
Apocalypse is an asymmetrical structure. Whose worlds have already ended? Whose continue to end? Whose systems of life are predicated on the destruction of someone else’s? Which worlds need to end in order for those of us on the margins to continue to survive?

This in-person workshop will explored how Queer and Indigenous poets have theorized and written about the apocalypse. Palestinian artist and writer Fargo Nissim Tbakhi offered ways to understand how the world has already ended, and how it’s always in the process of ending. We examined Queer/Indigenous poetics and crafted our own experimental language to continue this work ourselves. During the workshop, we read and discuss poems by Etel Adnan, Aimé Césaire, and Joy Harjo and used our discussions as prompts to create our own poems.

This program is a part of sowing worlds withing the incompossible organized by Giancarlo Montes Santangelo. The poem-objects that are created will become a part of the project’s exhibition.

About the Host

Fargo Nissim Tbakhi is a queer Palestinian performance artist, a Taurus, and a cool breeze. Find more at fargotbakhi.com.

Calling all artists What question fuels your practice? Submit Your Idea How does your process manifest?
Calling all artists What question fuels your practice? Submit Your Idea How does your process manifest?
Calling all artists What question fuels your practice? Submit Your Idea How does your process manifest?